Welcome to Ranch 101

Update: April 2009

See me at Maker Faire!

I'll be demonstrating how to spin wool (and other fibers) into yarn. The sheep will only be there in spirit (and fluff) as they are very shy. They have been boarding at a farm in the hills near here since we moved. They have lots of companions (goats, horses and llamas), but I do miss seeing them every day.

(Not so) Recent Events

October 22, 2005: A Barn Raising

(Former) Day to Day Scenes

Daily Chores

Our Neighborhood

Farm and Household Pets

The Chickens, Ducks and Geese

The Sheep, Goats and Others

Update: August 2007

We have sold off our laying flock and moved closer to my husband's work. He spent 18 months commuting a minimum of an hour each way (often longer) and the kids just didn't get to see him. We tried to find farmland we could afford close to his work, but that didn't pan out, unfortunately. Either the land was still a nasty commute away or the price was twice what we could afford. I hope to someday have a farm again.

Does anyone know where I can board two elderly pet sheep in the SF Penninsula area?

Update: February 2007

We're no longer selling our eggs at the farmers' market. We've decided to reduce our laying flock to one that will serve our family and friends so that we have more time for family and friends. We still have eggs for sale at the farm and welcome visitors. Please call ahead to make sure we have what you need.


Ranch 101 is a small family owned and operated farm just outside Watsonville, California. We raise free-range poultry with no antibiotics or added hormones. Our birds roam nearly an acre of fenced pasture, and occasionally visit the neighbors. We also have two Shetland sheep which provide plenty of soft, easily spun white and light grey wool. We have been selling our chicken, duck and goose eggs at local farmers' markets for more than five years. This year we were approved to sell wool and yarn at the Santa Cruz Farmers' Market. We also sell eggs and wool products at our farm by appointment. We encourage people to visit the farm to see our happy animals for themselves. School or group tours can be arranged.

Contact Us

Email us at ranch101@ranch101.com.

I'm told that address is bouncing, so also try alexia at armory dot com.

Phone us at (831) 345-2892.

All photos copyright (1997-2005) Bela and Sandy Lubkin and may be used as long as credit is given.